Thursday, June 26, 2014

Our May Crowning "Hail Mary" Writing Practice

For the month of May we learned about a few of the Marian prayers and went to our parish's May crowning and basically did all things "Our Lady."
The girls love looking through all of the flower/seed catalogs that we get in the mail every Spring so we usually incorporate them into one of our crafts or lessons, and this year it was once again, a collage. But the change from last year's activity was that both girls wrote out the Hail Mary prayer themselves instead of just pasting a copy on their paper. This took some time and we didn't complete it in one day but they were both very proud of their work when it was finished.
Then of course the poring over the flower pictures and choosing just the right ones (the ones "Mary would like best") and cutting them all out took another day or two. All said and done these collages took about 3 days to complete but the writing practice was so timely for both girls and really boosted their confidence especially with sounding out skills.
One of the other prayers we had been learning about was the Canticle of Mary which I was able to find a performance of on youtube and the girls insisted on listening to it over and over and over again. The video was a bit cheesy but I figured at least it wasn't the Frozen soundtrack for a change, and bonus was they learned the words of the prayer! Here is the link to the video:
Canticle of Mary youtube link

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