Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Wonderful Distraction of Spring!!!

So in my attempt to keep track of our homeschool life, I am happy to say that we are way behind in documenting things because Spring has finally come and dragged us outside! We have still been doing school but in much more of a, "Hey, it's nice outside let's go do Nature Study for hours!" kind of way. Which has been so refreshing after such a long, cold winter.
We recently bought a great wagon and the kiddos have had hours of fun playing a variety of trip games like, "Escape the Tornado" "Vacation Fun," and "The Israelites Escape the Egyptians." All creative and dramatic--who knew a wagon could spark such fun?


jessica said...

Spring is distracting, isn't it? I keep trying to convince Ben to take his lessons to the treehouse so I can play outside. He's so responsible; I'm afraid I'm a bad influence!
By the way, I love your background. So fun.

Arts, Crafts and Whatnots said...

Thanks Jess! I'm feeling overwhelmed by the idea of planning school for the fall so...I'm just not doing it. Yikes! I really need to clean out the schoolroom and reassess what works and what doesn't but it's just so daunting. I'm going to a homeschool convention friday so hopefully that will provide the boost of inspiration that I need :)